The number of degree holders every year in the country is growing rapidly. The
current job square is filled with extreme competitors. Therefore wrong recruitment,
can not only lead to a loss of opportunity for the deserving candidates - but also
add a weak link to your chain of work.
Here are 5 ways to make sure that you take the right road
1) Turn around Time:- There are a number of competitors waiting to hire
employees therefore delaying to decide can lead to a loss in talented candidates.
So, it is important to value the time requirements of the candidate and the client
on either side i.e promise the candidate the most suitable joining date and hit back
the client with relevant profiles at the earliest.
2) Drop the recruiting firms brand identity in the market as impact-full:-
As the market is full of boutique vendors who sometimes break the trust of
discerning candidates, a good brand image would only add credit to your recruiters -
who make the end calls. Advertising brilliantly for social media users can create a
strong brand image for the market.
3) Background verification:- The backbone of any recruiting initiative is a strong
and firm background verification process. It not only shuts out the possibility of
fake candidates, but it also helps understand the depth of knowledge of the eligible
candidates and understand them better.
4) Salary perks:- When top talents leave behind their old jobs for better
opportunities, it becomes second nature to the candidate to go with the highest jump
at the nearest comfort. The recruiter who knows this would know which perks and
salary jumps to blanket the candidate with - increasing the chances of fishing the
best candidates.
5) Flexibility with the offer:-
Requirements of the candidates may not necessarily meet the expectations of the
clients, and vice versa. Its the recruiter who plays the middle man in convincing
and negotiating the same, to get both together on the same boat.
Happy Recruiting! If you are looking for more than the know-how, and the pros -